MAK Immigration

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(RCIC # R709592)

How to work in Canada

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Work Permit

A work permit is an officially permitted document that grants authority to a foreign national to work in Canada. Every year, Canada issues around half a million work permits to non-permanent foreign workers globally.

Indeed, Canada is the leading destination for many foreign nationals looking to get suitable employment internationally. Working in Canada not only equips you with valuable work experience but also, it makes you eligible for several permanent residence streams.

Types of Canadian work permits:

There are various streams and options available that lead to getting a work permit in Canada. Most work permits may require a job offer with LMIA or without LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment). Whilst there are certain type of work permits that requires the candidate to be connected to the person who must be present in Canada.

Following are the types of work permits and streams that allow applying for a work permit in Canada:

· Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)

· Global Talent Stream

· International Mobility Program (IMP)

· NAFTA Work Permits

· CETA Work Permits

· Intra-Company Transfer

· Open Work Permits (no job offers or LMIA requirement)

· Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWP)

· Spousal Open Work Permit

· International Experience Canada (IEC)

· Spouse Accompanying International student or Worker

Ready to work in Canada? Please click here and get a free assessment. Alternatively, please contact us for a immediate response.

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